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How to Prune Lantana in Wilmington NC

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Pruning Lantana in Wilmington NC

Lantana plants are perennials, meaning they will grow back and bloom year after year if properly cared for. The bright clusters of flowers will add a pop of color to any garden or landscape. Lantana plants can grow very large at an aggressive rate which is why learning to properly prune the flowering plants is so important.

What You Need

  • Pruning shears or a power hedge trimmer gets the job done faster.
  • Lawn rake for gathering the bundles easily in one place.
  • Trash bag for cleaning up the mess and leaving your garden looking fabulous.


Best Time to Prune Lantana Plants

To avoid overgrown and unsightly lantana, it is best to prue the plants periodically throughout the summer. Keep in mind, some lantana plants produce berries that will drop seeds and spread new growth through your garden. Periodical pruning after flowering will help prevent this from happening.

The major pruning, however, happens in late winter or early spring to prepare the plant for a beautiful summer bloom.

Pruning Basics

Over the summer months, periodically snip the lantana tips about one to three inches so new blooms can continue to grow. During the major pruning, remove much more of the wooded stems to encourage fresh branching and blooming next season. Using your pruning shears or a power hedge trimmer, cut the lantana down until it is about six inches to a foot from the ground. Use the rake to gather all of the plant clippings and toss them in the trash bag.

If you want to enjoy the vibrant beauty of lantana plants with less of the hassle, they can be planted in hanging pots as annual flowers. You can also contact Vinedresser Lawn and Landscape and ask about our pruning services in Wilmington NC, giving you the best of both worlds: Pretty perennials and manageable upkeep.