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How to Prune Ornamental Trees in Wilmington NC

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How to Prune Ornamental Trees in Wilmington NC

Ornamental trees are a popular landscape feature in Wilmington NC. A number of different types can be found in the area. Requiring less pruning than other shrubs, ornamental trees are easy to maintain, making them even more appealing to homeowners. However, when it is time to prune ornamental trees in Wilmington NC, it is important to know what you’re doing.

Types of Ornamental Trees in Wilmington NC

There are many types of ornamental trees in Wilmington NC. Driving around your neighborhood you are sure to identify more than one of these types of trees:

Crape Myrtle

Also known as Lagerstroemia. These flowering trees are extremely low maintenance once established. They tolerate heat and drought and are adaptable to any well-draining soil.

Bradford Pear

This thorn-less, spring-flowering tree gives off showy white flowers and small round fruit. It can withstand drought and pollution altogether.

Flowering Cherry

An ornamental tree that does not produce fruit. These trees are hardy, low maintenance, and a gorgeous addition to your landscape.


Compact and versatile trees that provide interest in your garden. They also have handsome foliage in summer and fall and provide bountiful displays of fruit that linger on the branches well into winter.


A popular ornamental tree for its alluring blossoms and distinctive scale-like bark. Its four-petaled blossoms are actually modified leaves or bracts which are sure to stand out.

Japanese Maple

A deciduous shrub or small tree reaching heights of 20 to 30 feet. They come in a wide variety of attractive forms, shapes of leaves, and glorious colors.


A large deciduous shrub or small tree native to eastern North Carolina. It typically grows 20 to 30 feet with a short, twisted trunk and spreading branches.

What You Need to Prune Ornamental Trees

  • Pruning shears for removing small to medium-sized branches. A by-pass pruner will cut cleanly without crushing and damaging branches.
  • Loppers are pruners with long handles. They will reach into the center of a tree and give you better leverage for cutting larger branches.
  • Pruning saws are generally long, curved, and narrow. They have coarse teeth that are designed to cut on the pull stroke. The teeth are also designed to cut green wood without binding. A pruning saw is convenient for pruning trees or large shrubs.
  • Hedge shears are large, flat scissor-styled shears. They are designed to shear light, new growth when shaping and maintaining foliage form. Ideal for light shaping and trimming of topiary and controlling form of a treetop.
  • Pole pruner for reaching tall branches.
  • Trash bags to dispose of all your debris.

How to Prune Ornamental Trees in Wilmington NC

Best Time to Prune Ornamental Trees

Late winter or early spring, just before the buds burst, is the best time to prune ornamental trees in Wilmington NC. This is true for summer-flowering trees and shrubs as well. However, the best time to prune ornamental trees really depends on the kind of tree you own. Each tree has a special pruning time, depending on the time of year it produces fruit or flowers.

Some ornamental trees, namely Bradford Pear and Flowering Cherry, produce shoots or suckers at the base and upright succulent shoots on branches. It is best to remove these shoots, also known as water sprouts, while they are young. If they become a problem, delay pruning until midsummer or treat pruning wounds with sprouting inhibitor chemicals. When pruning crepe myrtles, you may also come across some water sprouts. These can be taken care of the same way.

Most other ornamental trees, including crabapples, dogwoods, Japanese maples, and redbuds, should be pruned in early spring to remove dead branches before flowering. In late spring, after blooms have faded and foliage is leafed out and thickening for summer, prune to shape as you see fit. If you’re not sure whether or not your ornamental tree needs pruning, reach out to the professionals at Vinedresser Lawn and Landscape for help.

3 Basic Methods to Prune Ornamental Trees


As the name suggests, remove every dead, broken, damaged, weak, and stubborn branch.


Removing selected branches back to a side branch or the main trunk is known as thinning. It opens up the interior of the tree to receive light, encouraging interior growth.


This is the removal of the growing points, just the tip of the branches, at a smooth level using hedge shears or electric hedge trimmers.

In summary, ornamental trees native to Wilmington NC require less pruning. Be cautious when pruning and call Vindresser Lawn and Landscape for help if you are unsure about how or when to prune. Don’t risk damaging these beautiful trees.