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Armyworm Control

in Wilmington, Leland, Hampstead NC & Nearby Areas

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Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape offers armyworm control in Wilmington, Leland, Hampstead & NC areas.

Control the presence of armyworms in your lawn with our yearly program.

Armyworm Control In Wilmington, Leland & Hampstead NC

What are armyworms?

Armyworm control is vital to your lawn’s health in Wilmington, NC. Armyworms are a type of grass-eating pest. They will claim your lawn if their population is not under constant control. Patches of brown and chewed-up blades indicate that it’s time to take action and save your turf! Armyworms are moth larvae that can be either green or brown, depending on their stage. Fully grown armyworms are hairless caterpillars that reach around an inch to two inches in length, with slightly greenish-yellow stripes all across their body.

Most armyworms can’t survive in cold temperatures. That means they “live” in Southern states from Florida to North Carolina where they eat bermudagrass (among other things). Meanwhile, most cool-season turf isn’t necessarily safe against them either. Moths migrate to escape the cold weather in winter. They do it by using warm winds like tropical storms to take them back to warmer weather. These moths can lay thousands of eggs each, and their larvae are called fall armyworms because they enjoy eating your lawn before winter hits.

The lifecycle of an armyworm?

Armyworm moths migrate northward from their southern homes in April &; May. They spend the evening eating nectar, mating & laying eggs in your lawn!

Armyworms lay their eggs in a linear order on the lower leaves of plants, leaving people scratching their heads over why they do it. Nevertheless, the larval stage starts when they hatch in one to two weeks.

These guys are a nuisance to homeowners. These larvae are harder to spot during the day. But they can most commonly be found among topsoil layers or under plant debris close to the ground surface. They’re more active at night and typically feed on turf grasses – which can lead to some nasty damaged lawns.

After finishing six phases of growth, larvae pupate just under the surface of the soil. Adults will emerge in 1-2 weeks. A second generation will happen at the end of June, or early July, then a third at the end of August or early September.

Can armyworm infestation be treated?

By treating potential infestations promptly, you can save your lawn care investment and protect your property. If you notice brown patches appearing in your lawn, give your Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping Professional a call to minimize the damage. Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape can do a full pest inspection and make an assessment, offering advice about how to prevent pests, and will advise on treatment if required.

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Response time is usually less than 24 hours.

The Vinedresser Guarantee

At Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape, our 100% iron-clad, risk-free, money-back guarantee applies to all our lawn & landscape maintenance services, including weed control and fertilization. If you need any additional treatment to achieve the results we promise, that treatment will be at our expense. We have been providing quality results for our clients since we started in 2015 and don’t plan to stop.

Hire Vinedresser to control the armyworm presence in your turf!

Do you want a healthier, armyworm-free lawn? Hire us today! Our armyworm control service will have your yard healthy and pest-free in no time. At Vinedresser, we provide our lawn pest control services for residential properties in WilmingtonLelandHampstead, and surrounding areas in Southeastern NC. Call us today at 910-352-6901 to get a quote!