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Fire Ant Control

in Wilmington, Leland, Hampstead NC & Nearby Areas

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Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape offers fire ant control in Wilmington, Leland, Hampstead & NC areas.

Control the presence of fire ants in your lawn with our yearly program.

Fire Ant Control In Wilmington, Leland & Hampstead NC

You are not alone! Many people in the Wilmington, NC area struggle with fire ant control. Fire ants are a common invasive insect that’s found mainly in the southern states. They like to build large, irregular-shaped mounds near foundations and landscaping beds. They can usually be treated and controlled with the right product but may require more than one treatment for complete control. At Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping, we take your fire ant issue seriously!

Fire Ants are happy to infest your yard, building mounds everywhere – on the lawn, in sidewalk cracks near your home, or near trees. These ants don’t do direct damage, but they can ruin the aesthetics of your property. Remember, It’s important to try not to disturb ant mounds since it can make them more aggressive. Unlike other insects that only sting once, fire ants can sting multiple times, leaving a welt on the skin that can be painful and visible within 24 hours. Although it’s rare, some people can have life-threatening or allergic reactions to fire ant bites.

Controlling fire ants in your yard can be tough:

  • Fire ant colonies are often very big, some even extending well beneath the earth.
  • Each colony houses multiple queens that work together for rebuilding the worker population.
  • Fire ants can be hazardous for pets and humans, so it’s important to pay extra attention in order to avoid being bitten.


It is always a good idea to consult a professional for advice. In the Wilmington area, Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping has helped several families with effective fire ant treatment. Give us a call and we’ll schedule an evaluation of the infected area and provide you with an affordable solution.

Our fire ant control service:

We use a targeted product designed to kill the fire ants, and not just repel them. This means that after coming in contact with the treatment they return to their nest where they spread the treatment to other ants, effectively eliminating the entire colony. Our treatment service is 100% safe for your yard and 100% guaranteed.

At Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping our fire ant control services offer you, the homeowner, many benefits. We’re trained professionals using the best products to kill fire ants, taking out the whole colony. That way, you don’t have to worry about getting those critters back again soon after we leave. With fire ant control services from Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping, you don’t have to go to the store, select a product and then be worried about whether you applied it correctly. Stress no more and let us take care of it for you!

Get your free fire ant control quote.

Response time is usually less than 24 hours.

The Vinedresser Guarantee

At Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape, our 100% iron-clad, risk-free, money-back guarantee applies to all our lawn & landscape maintenance services, including weed control and fertilization. If you need any additional treatment to achieve the results we promise, that treatment will be at our expense. We have been providing quality results for our clients since we started in 2015 and don’t plan to stop.

Hire Vinedresser to control the fire ant presence in your turf!

Do you want a happier, fire ant free lawn? Hire us today! Our fire ant control service will have your yard healthy and pest-free in no time. At Vinedresser, we provide our lawn pest control services for residential properties in WilmingtonLelandHampstead, and surrounding areas in Southeastern NC. Call us today at 910-352-6901 to get a quote!