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Mole Cricket Control

in Wilmington, Leland, Hampstead NC & Nearby Areas

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Mole Cricket Control In Wilmington, Leland & Hampstead NC

Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape offers mole cricket control in Wilmington, Leland, Hampstead & NC areas.

Control the presence of mole crickets in your lawn with our yearly program.

Wilmington isn’t exempt from lawn pests and we sure are not exempt from mole crickets. Mole crickets are a pest that can do a tremendous amount of damage to your lawn, primarily when they emerge in the spring to lay eggs.

Once they hatch, mole crickets tunnel through your lawn and damage the roots of plants. This typically occurs in late summer through fall. The earliest signs of pest infestation are small tunnels, a spongy surface to walk on, and patches of brown, dying grass.

How can we control mole crickets?

One option to deal with the presence of a mole cricket problem is by using dishwashing liquid and water. Find the area on your lawn you believe to have a mole cricket infestation, mix one tablespoon of detergent mixed with one gallon of water. Then, saturate the area with your mixture. If the mole crickets are there, they will begin to emerge while the soapy water sinks in.

Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping mole cricket control service is proactive and attacking early on can help eliminate a large number of adults and their eggs. Contact us today before it’s too late!

Vinedresser Lawn & Landscaping mole cricket control

Our service professionals are experts in lawn and pest problems, mole crickets are both. For these pests, we offer a thorough inspection and analysis to get an appropriate treatment plan. Besides just insecticide, you can apply fertilizer treatments to create a healthy, beautiful lawn.

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Response time is usually less than 24 hours.

The Vinedresser Guarantee

At Vinedresser Lawn & Landscape, our 100% iron-clad, risk-free, money-back guarantee applies to all our lawn & landscape maintenance services, including weed control and fertilization. If you need any additional treatment to achieve the results we promise, that treatment will be at our expense. We have been providing quality results for our clients since we started in 2015 and don’t plan to stop.

Hire Vinedresser to control the mole cricket presence in your turf!

Do you want a happier, mole cricket free lawn? Hire us today! Our mole cricket control service will have your yard healthy and pest-free in no time. At Vinedresser, we provide our lawn pest control services for residential properties in WilmingtonLelandHampstead, and surrounding areas in Southeastern NC. Call us today at 910-352-6901 to get a quote!